Thursday, December 18, 2008

Alright Already!

Rant Alert...

Oh, for the love of Pete! Can't these uber-progressives stop for just one minute and get that perpetual bunch out of their bloomers? Ya' know, even an overtly secular Christmas is supposed to be a time of magic and wonder for our crumb crunchers. Instead someone has foisted this Al Goresque drivel on them. Please save the wild-eyed, tree-hugging claptrap for another day. Oh, and keep yer' meathooks off of Easter too.

Here endeth the Rant

This aside, this is one very talented young woman.


Anonymous said...

the first thing i noticed in this video, is that the children arent sad that children are losing the wonder of a savior coming to help US! we didnt deserve it, and still dont...but he came to save us. thats reason to do more than smile! we are forgetting what christ did...we forget every day...and yet his generous act of compassion goes unnoticed every day. i wonder if it makes him cry....

Anonymous said...

hey andy...
merry christmas....he came for us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
love you my friend!
linus rocks!!!!!!!
so do you!!!