Ms. Huguenin and her husband, who operate a mom n' pop photography business were approached by a pair of lesbians wishing to have their commitment ceremony captured on film. This broached the couples religious beliefs and to wit, they politely informed the women that they would be unable to photograph the event. Shortly thereafter, the couple were slapped with a $6,000 fine levied on them by the New Mexico Human Rights Commission.
Now for the question of the morning: Will we see this same commission levy a similar fine against Mr. Darden for his clear case of discrimination and denial of services against Ms. Martinez?
OK, its the Catbird's turn to beef. If there's a law on the books that bars "Discrimination" against an individual over "gender equality" issues, that law needs to be enforced uniformly, or it needs to be struck down and those penalized by it must be compensated. I know that there are those who will give a thousand tortured reasons why these cases are are different, but they are identical.
OK New Mexico, Fine Mr. Darden or cut the Huguenin's a check.