Thoughts, observations, musings, encouragements, exhortations, and occasional rants from an Anglican Parish Deacon.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
A Sad Anniversary
Saturday, January 08, 2011
"a violation of allegiance or of faith and confidence" or "an act of perfidy or treason"
Perhaps for the first time in my life, I and my family have been the victims of the treachery of another. This was no casual acquaintance; this was one whom my family had opened our home, our table, our purse, and our hearts to. We knew that the individual faced some profound psychological, personality and emotional challenges, but we loved and embraced her in spite of them. She was, for a number of years, a welcomed face. All of this abruptly changed in the late summer of 2010 when in a fever-brained fit, a false accusation was leveled by this individual. I'll spare you, the gentle reader the sordid details, but as a result of her lies, we now sit smarting and nursing our wounds all the while being several thousand dollars poorer for it.
Sunday, January 02, 2011
Flight 2011, You're cleared for Takeoff
My hope and prayer for this Republic are simple and direct. I desire to see the United States of America return to her Constitutional roots. I want to see a strong, sufficient, and humble Republic that has rediscovered her first principles. I want to see a nation whose borders are secure, who welcomes and embraces those who lawfully enter, and repels those who wish to exploit her bounty or wish to do her harm. As the scion of immigrants, I fully grasp the rich diversity that a century and a half of lawful immigration has brought to this Republic. I want to see a nation that embraces fiscal responsibility and restraint. My prayer is that those who’ve been sent to Washington apprehend their responsibilities as elected representatives. I want to see individuals who won’t exceed their vested authority and wade off into extra-constitutional forays. I desire a President who will be an advocate, apologist and ambassador for his country, and not someone who snivels before tin-horn despots, apologizing for imagined grievances.
For my Church, I long to see a resurgent Anglicanism sweep across America. Though I’ve said it before from this blog, it bears repeating. It would be arrogant hubris to infer that Anglicanism is the only legitimate expression of Christianity in our world. But that being said, Anglicanism remains a faithful and trustworthy expression of the “Faith, once delivered”. Anglicanism landed on the sandy shores of the James River with our first settlers. It was the faith of the majority of our founding fathers. It was the faith of men like Wilberforce, who fought to end the evil practice of slavery. Far and away from the consumer-based practices of modern American Evangelicalism, Anglicanism is trans-testamental, connecting worshipers across time to the eternal. In a time when truth is personal and malleable, the Anglican expression offers a solid bridge between the temporal and eternal.
For this Deacon, well this is where it gets a little close.