Monday, December 08, 2008

On the Road

I left Suburbia Majora Sunday to ferry a van to Port Everglades Florida. Tonight, I'm blogging from Palm Coast, FL at a rather comfortable Sleep Inn. While driving, I've been rolling the canons of the new Anglican Province brain and at first glance they seem to be not only sound in their orthodoxy, but just the thing a third millennium church needs.

Canon 6 & 7 in particular caught my attention on a few levels. Canon 6 provides latitude concerning the Book of Common Prayer and Canon 7 steps into the Women's ordination minefield. These are two canons that will certainly generate debate, considering the composition of the province. This is where affinity-based dioceses will be highly beneficial.

I hope to comment on these canons at a greater length once I get back to Suburbia Majora later in the week. For now, I'll enjoy Florida's warmth.

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