Sunday, February 21, 2016

An Anniversary at All Saint's Woodbridge

"Morning by morning new mercies I see..."
Today marks a happy anniversary here in Catbird Land.  It commemorates our third year with the family at All Saint's Church (ASC) in Woodbridge Virginia.  A happy one indeed and perhaps one of the greatest blessings we've received in our journey in the faith.

Our initial arrival in 2013 was abrupt, sort of like a tuck and roll from a moving vehicle.  Robin & I arrived without clericals and looked like anyone who was visiting the church for the first time.  But that said, we were immediately welcomed by loving saints like Mary Wong who faithfully leads ASC's newcomer ministry.  Others made it their point to welcome us, sharing about the many ministries that included a vibrant set of adult programs.  In my spirit, I immediately sensed that Bishop John had correctly discerned Divine direction in  placing us on the hill in Woodbridge.  

Unbeknownst to those gathered at the 8:45 AM Eucharist, Robin & I had just passed through the eye-wall of a spiritual maelstrom, an intense and prolonged period of spiritual warfare and spiritual assault.  We needed to be where we now found ourselves.    That morning, Father Daniel Morgan was used by the Almighty to speak words that my bruised soul needed to hear.  As part of his benediction, Father Dan proclaimed "Now be blessed by the Lord who you've received.  Forget not the poor. Make no peace with that which would oppress you."  A Benediction is defined as "the utterance or bestowing of a blessing, especially at the end of a religious service".  His words lived up to this definition as they were salve to our spirits.  It would now be a season of sitting still and listening to God through His word and discerning His will and direction.  It felt good to find myself among those who welcomed us for who we were in Christ and not having their expectations colored by meeting a man in a clerical collar and his wife.  Six months later and to the surprise of all (including Mary Wong), the man most knew as "Andy" was in fact "Deacon Andy".

Three years out, I can now reflect on the many lessons I've learned here at ASC.  I've been blessed to see Biblical servant-leadership lived out in the lives of men like Father Dan, Father Alex, and Father Mark.  Included in this list would be sister-saints like Deacon Julie, Lindsey, Lorna, and countless others.  Each of these epitomizes ASC's motto of "Love, Grow, Serve".

I've learned important lessons about my self, a very powerful one being that its not my mission on earth to be one who is obliged to "Fix" every situation.  In retrospect, being one who self-senses the need to be a fixer can find themselves being mangled in the gearbox. 

I've learned the power of "Matthew 18".  Succinctly, exhorting those who feel that they've been offended need to (by Divine command) take the concern to the one who they believe they were offended by.  Too, there's nothing in this passage that commands one to be an intermediary between offendor and offendee.  When an individual had a low level issue on what was being shared in our Prayer's of the People, I lovingly exhorted them to speak to one of the Priests concerning their issue.    As a Deacon, I'm called to many responsibilities; nowhere in this list will one find either human shield or mediator.

God bless, preserve, and prosper you All Saint's Church.  May you be salt and light that's spread across Prince William County, Virginia, and the world until our Lord's return.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a lovely post to find on fb today. All you say about All Saints I too have found to be true. The spirit of God is alive and ministering here. I am privileged, enriched and blessed to be a member of All Saints where faith is evident in all aspects of life there where one can grow and learn, can deepen one's faith. In particular I treasure the women's ministry offerings as well as the ministry of Father Dan and Father Alex (still miss Father Mark)and Mary Wong's warm Sunday greetings. The emphasis on ministering to children and teenagers was one of the first things I noticed; it is such a strength of All Saints in a when it is so needed. All Saints is indeed a place to love, grow and serve.