Wednesday, April 18, 2007

NAAD and "Anglodeacons"

I had a "tipping point" moment yesterday after posting my prayer for the families of the Blacksburg 32. In this prayer, I made reference to a "son of Belial" to the shagrin of some Episcopal Deacons. I have, after some thoughtful prayer, disassociated myself with the North American Association for the Diaconate (NAAD), and its online community, "ANGLODEACONS".

Last year, I joined NAAD and subscribed to their online community in the hope of receiving insights from seasoned Deacons and Archdeacons. And to this, Deacons like Ormonde Plater have provided a wealth of knowledge to all things Diaconal. Unfortunately, our brother Ormonde seems to stand nearly alone as a bright light in these communities.

To my disappointment, these forums have been little more than enclaves for the Religious Left, and platforms for counter-scriptural ideas. At this stage of my journey, I simply have neither time nor stomach for this.

The fields are truly "White unto Harvest". This is not the time to be propping up bad doctrine and apostate Bishops. Its high time to be about the Master's business and the proclamation of His message to a lost universe.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amen, Andy.
